Our Explanation of Payroll Accounting discusses the taxes and benefits which are withheld from employees' pay as well as the taxes and benefits that are expenses for the employers. Also provided are examples of the journal entries made by employers for wages, salaries, payroll-related expenses, and remittances of payroll amounts.
This 20-question quiz is a fast way to assess your understanding of the Payroll Accounting Explanation. It's also a great warmup for our Quick Tests.
Our Bookkeeping Study Guide captures the most important concepts associated with bookkeeping. Whether you are just learning or you want to refresh your skills, this guide will be a great assist on your bookkeeping journey.
We've answered 38 popular questions related to the topic Payroll Accounting. Review them all or use the search box found at the top of each page of our website for your specific questions.
Our flashcards for the topic Payroll Accounting will help you master key terms and definitions. You can view them on any device or print them out.
If you find Payroll Accounting terminology difficult, this Word Scramble will provide clues (scrambled answers) to assist you.
We created this crossword puzzle for you to learn, review, and retain terminology for the topic Payroll Accounting in a more fun format.
We created this crossword puzzle for you to learn, review, and retain terminology for the topic Payroll Accounting in a more fun format.
We created this crossword puzzle for you to learn, review, and retain terminology for the topic Payroll Accounting in a more fun format.
Our Payroll Accounting Cheat Sheet includes brief definitions and examples of 19 terms that are associated with payroll accounting.
This graded 40-question test measures your understanding of the topic Payroll Accounting. Discover which concepts you need to study further and enhance your long-term retention. All of our quick tests can be taken online and/or printed.
This graded 25-question test measures your understanding of the topic Payroll Accounting. Discover which concepts you need to study further and enhance your long-term retention. All of our quick tests can be taken online and/or printed.
This graded 15-question test provides coaching to guide you to the correct answers. Use our coaching to learn the WHY behind each answer and deepen your understanding of the topic Payroll Accounting.
As you prepare for this 40-question certificate exam, you will learn about the rules and calculations behind the payroll accounting entries. Specifically, you will gain insights into the IRS rules covering overtime pay, minimum wage, Social Security taxes, Medicare taxes, and more. Make the commitment to become more knowledgeable, confident, and valuable by earning our payroll accounting certificate.
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