To see each answer, press or click on the blue "Unscramble" button. If you have difficulty answering the following questions, learn more about this topic by reading our Nonprofit Accounting (Explanation).
1. In place of an income statement, a not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit, will issue a statement of _____________.
ACTIVITIES VCIATTIESI2. The balance sheet of a nonprofit will likely have as part of its heading "statement of financial _______________".
POSITION STNOPIOI3. Contributions received by a nonprofit are reported as part of the organization's ____________________.
REVENUES NEREEUSV4. When an asset is released from a donor restriction, there will be an increase in net assets without donor _______________.
RESTRICTIONS ITRCNTRISOES5. This type of supporting services expense must be reported separately by a nonprofit organization.
FUNDRAISING FNDRSIUAING6. These will cause a decrease in the amount of net assets without donor restrictions.
EXPENSES EXNSESPE7. This expense is associated with long-lived assets used in the activities of a nonprofit.
DEPRECIATION IRNEEITCDPOA8. A ___________________ restricted designation was one of the classes of donor-imposed restrictions that will not be used on the financial statements beginning in 2018.
TEMPORARILY YILMOPERATR9. Beginning in 2018, a nonprofit must provide additional information regarding restrictions and the organization's ___________________.
LIQUIDITY TYULIIQDI10. Designations made by a nonprofit's ________________ are reported as net assets without donor restrictions.
BOARD BODRA11. The statement of ______________ expenses reports expenses by both function and nature and is required for nonprofit entities.
FUNCTIONAL OTFLCIANNU13. The nonprofit organization's statement of activities reports the change in its net __________ during a specified period of time.
ASSETS SEATSS14. A classification of supporting services expenses is _________________ and general.
MANAGEMENT ETMNANEGAM15. The external financial statements of a nonprofit must focus on the organization as a ___________ rather than reporting by funds.
WHOLE HOELW16. Beginning in 2018, the classification, _________________ restricted net assets, will not be used and the amounts will be included in net assets with donor restrictions.
PERMANENTLY TPYMNLRANEE17. The IRS Form 990 must be filed by many nonprofit organizations which have been granted tax-_________ status.
EXEMPT MXEPTE18. The external financial statements of a U.S. nonprofit organization must comply with the reporting standards of the ________.
FASB BSFA19. If the nonprofit's statement of cash flows is prepared under the indirect method, the first amount listed is the ___________ in net assets.
CHANGE AHNGEC20. A financial reporting year not ending on December 31 is referred to as a ___________ year.
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