To see each answer, press or click on the blue "Unscramble" button. If you have difficulty answering the following questions, learn more about this topic by reading our Debits and Credits (Explanation) and Additional Explanation.
4. The accounting equation remains in balance due to ________-entry bookkeeping.
DOUBLE UBDOLE13. Accounts _______________ is a balance sheet account with a debit balance.
RECEIVABLE VCBEERILAE14. _______________ Depreciation is a balance sheet account with a credit balance.
ACCUMULATED AECUCATLDMU18. Accounts _____________ is a balance sheet account with a credit balance.
PAYABLE BLAEAPY19. A ________ balance is an internal report to show that the general ledger's debit balances add up to the same total as the credit balances.
TRIAL IALRT20. The requirement that each journal entry needs to have at least one debit and one credit is known as __________-entry bookkeeping.
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