To see each answer, press or click on the blue "Unscramble" button. If you have difficulty answering the following questions, learn more about this topic by reading our Bookkeeping (Explanation).
5. The accounting or bookkeeping ___________ is Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity.
EQUATION IENTQOAU7. The credit amount in the depreciation entry is recorded in ______________ Depreciation.
ACCUMULATED UMEULTACACD9. Entries for depreciation are first written in the general ___________.
JOURNAL ALRUOJN13. The type of account that is affected by the accrual of an expense.
LIABILITY LIBYTAIIL14. Under _________-entry bookkeeping a transaction affects a minimum of two accounts.
DOUBLE BDOEUL16. A ___________-in-transit may be one of the adjustments appearing in the bank reconciliation.
DEPOSIT ODTSEPI19. Bona fide invoices from suppliers that are to be paid in 30 days are reported in Accounts _______.
PAYABLE EABAPYL20. The ______ of accounts receivable sorts the customers' balances according to the dates due.
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